September 12, 2023 internetenfamilia

Increase Your Sales With Video Marketing

Today Increasing online sales with video marketing is a trend followed by many people and enterprises too, when you hear the word video marketing the first thing is youtube: youtube is the first video sharing network and you can find everything in it, just type the keyword you are interested for and then some nice videos appear; you can notice that sometimes promotional videos appear in the results and not just thing shared by other people. This is the proof that marketing with videos is a today’s trend, maybe you want too to increase your online sales with this new tool but there are some things you must keep in mind.

The first thing you must pay attention is the quality of your video: your video should be interesting and able to grab attention but to make it viral must be funny or spectacular as people will send it to their friends and those will do the same thing too establishing in this way a chain. The first and most important thing you must do is to open your youtube account if you haven’t it already, there are four kinds of account that are director, musician, comedian, and guru: you will choose it according to what you do but probably you are going to choose a guru account as you want to share knowledge with people and including the url of your online store in it. This is also useful because you will rank better in an account category than in the whole youtube.

Keep in mind that internauts don’t want to spend a long time to see a video, so make them short but very rich in content. Youtube is organized in categories to lead the visitor easily to what is looking for so tag your video properly, if you can’t find a category related to your video then search youtube for the keyword you are interested and see how video results are tagged then tag your video in the same way. Also pay attention to less popular categories because if it’s true that they bring less traffic is also true that is easier to rank high in them. And last but not less important tag your video with lot of keywords as this will increase its visibility and many people will find it. Organizing your videos in playlists is an useful service you provide to others that will be able to find more related content, in this way you will be able to make a person view not just one but more of your videos and this could bring an increase of your online sales.

Now let’s see how you can make your video known to other youtube users: there are four ways to share your video with others and they are about sending messages to other users or posting comments to their videos, building groups, creating streams and posting video answers. Building groups and creating streams, that are chats, give you the opportunity to recruit people interested to the topic about you are releasing content and video answers work the same way of text comments. Create high quality content and people will subscribe to your channel.
