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November 21, 2022 internetenfamilia

Coastal Vacations Review – Scam Or Legitimate?

There are mixed reports circulating about Coastal Vacations as an earning opportunity. At its best it seems a way for honest people to make big commissions on the packages they sell, while at its worst, some are hawking paperwork on ebay that can leave buyers out in the cold. It is not the most straightforward 2-up opportunity around, so it is in your best interest to research not only the company but also the integrity of the director you are in contact with if you decide to join the program. The emphasis on recruiting more people makes it seem like it could be a scam. This review is meant to help you sort out how the program works and what some of the key benefits and drawbacks might be.

Coastal Vacations offers discounted travel packages at three levels, beginning at a $1295 membership, going up to $11,000. Thus it offers vacation opportunities to affluent families who enjoy travel, as well as a 2-up business opportunity.


  • The vacation packages may offer significant value for people who have the time and money to travel. The company reports you can save up to 75%.
  • Joining as a Level I, Level II, or Level III director gives you the opportunity to make $1000 to $6500 per sale (after your first two training sales).
    -When people sign up under you, the commissions on their first two training sales go to you. The more people you recruit and train, the more training sale commissions should come to you.


  • Many people lack the time and money needed to travel as much as each package includes. Also, the packages are for two people, no more no less. There are also blackout dates and other seasonal limitations on the offers.
  • You will have to invest a considerable amount, at least $1295 to join.
  • Because the memberships are transferable, some people have figured out how to do an end run around the training sales. This means they can skip the process of training and attain their desired director level without having to give up any sales. This also means that you may not get your supposed commission for training someone who bought their directorship at an online auction site.

As a business opportunity, this program is not ideal for the novice salesperson. However, if you are person who has the money to invest, enjoys travel, selling, and building contacts with more well to do people, this opportunity might be appropriate to explore further. Care must be taken to fully understand how the business operates and how trustworthy directors that you are dealing with are. Some claim that their sponsor misled them, but those incidents seem most likely related to the people involved, and perhaps not due to the company themselves, which has been operating for 13 years.

October 14, 2022 internetenfamilia

Get A Step-by-step One Week Marketing Plan And End Your Worthless Labor

The One Week Marketing Plan can give you the right track in your internet marketing efforts. If you believe you are floundering, struggling, simply flapping about like a fish out of water, in that case you would benefit from a plan.

How many times during Internet marketing career have you finished a task and then wondered what you need to do next? If you are anything like me, it really is a whole lot of times. Almost every day. That is the reason we need a plan.

We must have a day by day task list that we are able to check off so we understand exactly where we are and how much progress we’ve made today. It is very easy, isn’t it, to take a couple of minutes away from our work and view one more YouTube video. Why, we might watch one video after another. Then, without thinking another hour is gone.

The good news is, that wasted hour watching YouTube videos was not really wasted. Since we didn’t have a plan, we wouldn’t be achieving anything anyhow, would we?

Not having a plan we’re just aimlessly walking about, willing to be distracted by whatever comes up. If we receive a motivating email that guarantees us riches and wealth beyond measure, we look at the web page and check out any video clips they have. You never know when the key to wealth is going to be revealed.

And, so it goes, day after day. We squander one hour after another, and one day after another. In the meantime, we have difficulty trying to do whatever seems like the next best thing to do in making some money.

I don’t know about you, but it gets genuinely frustrating when you are flapping around like a mackerel in a sizzling barbecue. You’re struggling without getting anywhere.

Isn’t it finally the right time for a plan that truly works?

The “One Week Marketing Plan” could be the plan you need to follow, week after week. You’ll find it to be an excellent synopsis of the action steps that are described quite thoroughly within the “One Week Marketing Guide.” Then, it is easy to make use of the “One Week Marketing Checklist” to actually check off each of the tasks when you complete them.

The “One Week Marketing Plan” provides you with the action steps you need to carry out each day. After the first few times through the process you won’t even have to read the the “One Week Marketing Guide”, you’ll have the process memorized. Then the reminders inside the “One Week Marketing Plan” will be enough to get you moving in the proper direction.

September 11, 2022 internetenfamilia

How To Recruit Clickbank Affiliates

In any business you could go into there is a simple bottom line. More sales means more money, however there is only so much one person can possibly do. The answer to this problem is simple – more people. When you recruit new affiliates you will increase your earnings because you will also be earning commissions on the products that they are selling.

Whenever you enlist a new vendor you will receive a commission of twenty percent on the fee they pay to activate their account and for the first year they are doing business you will receive a five percent commission on all of their sales as well. You can let your new vendors know of the many books and programs available, like Vendor Super Tips that will give them all the help they need in order to increase their sales.

The problem is where to find these vendors. One answer is that you become a vendor yourself and promote the items that help make a successful vendor. These items include books like Super Tips Affiliate Program and the Super Guide for ClickBank Affiliates. Not only will these books help the people you recruit to sell, they will help you as well. Buying these products for yourself and reading or using them will give you a ease and familiarity with the information that will show that you know what you are talking about in your sales pages. Lookers who feel that you have used the products yourself are more willing to buy and try.

These products will provide more than enough information to get your vendors interested, motivated and selling and of course the more they sell the more you earn. These books will tell them where to find the products they want to sell, how to find products that are not listed in the ClickBank Marketplace or how to know which really good products are listed with lower ratings that are deceiving. There are books that show them how and where to find newly released products and the best way to promote their products. They will get in depth easy to understand information on how the commission’s work, the best ways to protect them and make sure they receive all the commissions they have worked so hard for.

Your new vendors will also find information on how and why to set up storefronts and how to make the most out of them. Refunds are a problem for all vendors. These informative books will cover how to protect yourself, minimize your refunds and also how to spot those customers who are ordering just to return the item for a refund sometimes within hours of purchase.

They will also teach how to track your sales and commissions and determine which of the products you are promoting are working and which aren’t. Some other topics covered are how to have several products all listed on one sales page yet promote them separately. What to do in the rare cases where ClickBank experiences down time and last but not least how they can recruit more vendors and in turn make more money for themselves.

August 27, 2022 internetenfamilia

Cash Gifting – Legit Or Scam

What Is Cash Gifting?

Cash gifting is one of many names given to a variety of make money schemes. In determining if cash gifting is legit or a scam, the first thing to consider is if cash gifting is illegal. It works in much the same way as a chain letter which is used to send money out to addresses listed with the promise that the names below yours on the list will soon send money to you. The problem is, the number of people needed to contribute money continues to grow.

In a pyramid, there is one person at the top with several at the bottom. The people at the bottom give a specified “cash gift” to the person at the top which will usually total several thousands of dollars. Then the people at the bottom move to the top and new people must be brought in to give gifts to these. With each advance, more people are required to fulfill the financial requirement to pay off the ones at the top of the pyramid. It isn’t hard for most of us to determine if cash gifting is legit or a scam. Sooner, rather than later, there won’t be enough people to support the pyramid and it will collapse. In fact, only ten percent of the people that participate in cash gifting ever receive any payoff from their contributions.

Cash gifting also operates in a “1 or 2 Up” system. This systems works by the new person recruiting having to give their 1st and 2nd sales or new recruits to the person who sponsored them. (One or two sales depending on the program you are involved with). That means you would have to make Three sales before you would be entitled to receive your Cash Gift.

Who Participates In Cash Gifting?

You may assume that only people with plenty of money to spare would participate in this high stakes game. Not so. People have taken out mortgages on their homes to provide them with the money to participate. They have also resorted to selling their valuables for a chance to get the big payoff. When you realize the addictive behavior associated with cash gifting, legit or scam becomes easier to determine. If ninety percent of the participants are that eager to lose their money, then it seems to be just another gambling addiction.

Cash Gifting – Legit or Scam?

Some people have not only participated in cash gifting or pyramid scams once, but have bought back in after they completed the pyramid to try again. They claim that their money is going to a good cause and they don’t expect to receive the payoff. If this were true, then they would be content to donate the money to their favorite charity instead of gambling with it in a no-win situation. Apparently, it makes a great difference what name is given to these groups as to how the participants perceive them. Those named for charity groups or that are designed for women’s care are especially appealing to women while one that was focused on Nascar has become extremely popular with men.

People don’t always consider whether cash gifting is legit or a scam. They are attracted to the idea that the group represents and to taking a chance on the big payoff.

July 25, 2022 internetenfamilia

Zero Friction Marketing ? The Beginning Of A New Trend

?Zero Friction Marketing? is a brand new product to hit the market that surely will get a lot of attention in 2009 and on. It may sound like any other affiliate training course out there, but very few actually follow through on what they promise. Zero Friction Marketing is an exception to the norm, but why? What represents this product and makes it better than the rest?

The term ?zero friction? is sure to be heard a lot this year. It?s something few have taken advantage of, let alone heard of. It?s the new trend coming about and it?s a good idea to be the first to get on it before everyone else does.

The whole idea behind this is the fact that no sales that actually have to be made to make money. It takes away the battle between body and mind of the buyer eliminating taking out their wallets to pay for something. Meaning, there is no friction between you and the customer.

How?s it done? Easy. It?s called Cost Per Action marketing. This marketing strategy is done by sending a visitor to a site, where they take action by either:

  • Entering an email
  • Entering a zip code
  • Completing small form of information

When they complete the preferred action, you get paid. It?s that simple.

There tons of companies right now looking for people to engage in this type of marketing looking for new leads. Zero Friction Marketing guides you every step of the way and teaches you never before seen methods to capture the full benefit of CPA marketing. Some of methods you probably never heard of.

When it comes down to value, ZFM dominates any other CPA marketing strategy. You may have seen some of the techniques shown in the videos, but never in this easy to follow a format. You literally copy and paste the techniques shown to you as you go.

The strategy that inside this product has the potential to expand your wealth to levels you never imagined. If I were to recommend any online business course, this could be my #1 choice. Not only is it a top seller, but also it strays away from the everyday methods that leave people guessing. Simply put, it?s impossible to not succeed with Zero Friction Marketing.

August 13, 2020 internetenfamilia

Increasing Quantity Of Real YouTube Views: What Does “View Tactics” Really Mean?

A good number of views brings popularity and income

Your designated video won’t be at the top of youtube’s charts unless there are big enough subscribers numbers. As well as, it takes in mind comments and likes from users, viewing the video. The most important factor driving rankings to a higher position is video views.

YouTube promotions would be of great value for bloggers at the beginning of their way, who got a youtube page, which they want help reaching high rankings. There are a lot of competitors out there, among the channels. It’s almost impossible to generate viral videos ‘on audience demand’. Therefore, to promote subscribers, that helps increase the attractiveness of a channel for advertisers quickly. Becomes a necessity! 

So how does increasing views on YouTube work?

One of the most dangerous ways of increasing views is bots. This is the most hazardous method that will lead to a ban on the channel since it’s an easy thing to track nowadays. YouTube almost always indefinitely tracks bots and unreal accounts. After finding them, YouTube will block these accounts. They will delete the history of their views.

Interchange service, this service accumulates user data, focused on their channel’s promotion. Those users subscribe to each other’s pages, increasing quantities of actual page subscription numbers with the help of ‘real’ accounts. Such accounts have defined user behavioral characteristics; YouTube is good at tracking these fakes according to their behavior on social networks.

Buy YouTube Views has proven to be the most effective method which provides real users to watch your videos for a small fee. These promotions are a great way to develop a new channel and grow it to gain attention.

With using YouTube’s views’ promotion method, you get tons of benefits such as fast supply, guarantee for results, affordable costs starting from only 12$, and lifetime guarantee. Also, there is no cap on the number of views.

And it’s no joke, by the way!

See, YouTube now pays close attention to how genuine your views are. Simply put, they have a super-smart algorithm that goes deeper, analyzing the weight of your views. It checks their origin, the sentiments behind them, and whether they are abundant, with high retention views.

Poor quality views, especially those generated automatically using a Bot, are the first to go down, followed by those whose click-through rates are wanting. Eventually, when you expect your channel to rank higher, this giant video-sharing website will have flagged it without your knowledge. And that’s when it starts monitoring your view patterns.

Views promotion is a necessary service for inexperienced users and experienced bloggers who are very eager to be ahead of the competition.

Ok, I’m interested, how do I proceed? 

It’s easy and straightforward! Just register on, select an offer, select a number of views, insert a link to your video, and immediately get the result. 

Enjoy close and personal worldwide 24/7 service. Reliability and real views, quality users assured.